CalaQaira Sweet Delights

CalaQaira Sweet Delights


CalaQaira ? 
bak "Istana Gula-Gula Coklat ! "
someone asked.Why Cala ? kisahnya bila menonton Charlies & Choclates factory tapi takkan nak letak QairaFactory ? erghhh ai bukan tokey kilang gula-gula kan.uhu peningg arr!hehe.sooo why not castle ? tapi my mom nasihatkan letak nama melayu..jadi bila menelaah buku nama2 unik anak dalam islam terjumpa Cala , yang bermaksud Castle :) Qaira pula bermaksud kebaikan.Wallahualam.Alhamdulillah , syukur ya Rabb.

*haha macam penting pulak kan nak bagitau kisah disebalik nama.hiks,forget it :p
It's Candy Buffet, Chocholates Fountain&Desert Table !

(meja yang dipenuhi gula-gula & coklat.hehe ala macam Charlies and Choclate Factory )

(don't worry after your kids ate our candy , let 'em brush their teeth.^^)

CQ is an affordable candy buffet !
serious? Yes we serious :)

Target - budget customers & customers who wants to have big candy buffet without having to burn their pocket& money,hehe.  
aha, worth it right ?
Trust me!Candy Buffet & Desert table ni teramatlah comel!

CalaQaira always wants :

  • Make the guests and "tuan rumah" happy with our variety of sweets and chocolates :) - yummy !
  • No worries dear,we always want our cutomers happy& muka ada cenyum hingga ketelinga. hehe . So we give the best for you . Insyaa Allah :)
Segala yang baik datang daripada Allah & segala kekurangan daripada pihak kami sendiri,Wallahualam~

Cala Qaira said:
 'simple but nice&always sweet ! yeah, sweet like you^^ !'

Hurry book your date with us! :)
we Save The Date !
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